Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The Risen and Shouted.

This was a great weekend. DallyLamma and I discussed how College Football Kickoff Weekend is better than Christmas and Thanksgiving. While Christmas and Thanksgiving each only get one day per year, College Football is the gift that keeps giving from September until January.

Alyssa and I didn't party in the streets like some of our fellow Provonians did, we drove up to Park City to wind down. We watched the game once on ESPN360.com while we were up there. If you failed to watch it, you should do all you can. We watched it again on Sunday night, and it was playing in the BYU Bookstore this morning as I walked through. Incredible game.

Anyway, I think my point is this: I like football lots.

1 comment:

Dylan said...

Lewsline - what up? That was the sweetest game! Feel Welcome to chat up a storm on the MWC Sports Forum.